荃灣 外圍刺激.內需激增 推動荃灣西成零售新據點

搜尋各區工商舖資訊 (輸入: 地區、大廈)



伸延閱讀: 海之戀商場 OP Mall 43萬尺全海景


在一定內需及外訪人流支持下,荃灣西將成為新界的「新心臟」!海之戀商場 (OP Mall),荃灣西站上蓋最新臨海之零售發展項目,總樓面逾43萬平方呎,憑藉優越位置,配合擁有超過2,400個豪華單位上蓋物業的發展優勢,並集合最多元化的商戶組合、加上獨特的臨海美景以及海濱休閒氣氛,必定會為顧客帶來嶄新的消閒體驗,打造成荃灣新地標。



李先生 Tommy Li
Tel: 69992393
EA Licence: E-376043

Subject to Contract: This document is prepared by Royal City Properties (HK) Ltd for information only. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing this document, it is subject to change and these particulars do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract, interested parties should not rely on the statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy. No person in the employment of the agent or the agent’s principal has any authority to make any representations or warranties whatsoever in relation to these particulars and Royal City Properties (HK) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any liability whatsoever or for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this document. (EA Licence: C-068250)
