活化工廈措施,旨在提供更多樓面作合適的用途,以配合香港不斷轉變的社會及經濟需要。工廈業主可申請在工廈的整段使用期內或直至現行土地契約期屆滿前(以較早者為準) ,改變整幢大廈現 有用途。有關措施已於二零一六年完結,停止接受活化申請。而現屆政府於二零一七年施政報告提及考慮重啓「工廈活化計畫」,措施一且落實,工廈料將進一步刺激市場需求。
(星島日報 C11 04JAN2018)
李先生 Tommy Li
Tel: 69992393
EA Licence: E-376043
Subject to Contract: This document is prepared by Royal City Properties (HK) Ltd for information only. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing this document, it is subject to change and these particulars do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract, interested parties should not rely on the statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy. No person in the employment of the agent or the agent’s principal has any authority to make any representations or warranties whatsoever in relation to these particulars and Royal City Properties (HK) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any liability whatsoever or for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this document. (EA Licence: C-068250)